PGWare PcBoost Full + Patch
Size 4.36 MB
သင့္စက္ေလးကို ျမန္ေစဖို႕ ဒီေဆာ့၀ဲေလး သံုးပါေနာ္
- Optimizes games and applications by increasing the CPU priority thread of the currently active application. Automatically de-allocates CPU priority when a new active application is selected.
- Works in the background to optimize applications constantly, raises priority levels to reasonable values to maintain system stability.
- Visual representation in system tray which displays priority optimization for currently active application.
- Built-in block list of applications which are not compatible, to prevent problems with the software such as slow downs or computer crashes.
- Easy and intuitive user interface which performs CPU tuning in real-time.
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