3D Flip Clock & World Weather version:0.92 Price:Free Requirement:1.6 and up Size:6.0 MB
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3D Flip clock & world weather widget
A full featured, size 4x2 fully customizable digital clock and weather forecast widget
The widget features the following:
- 16 skins to chose from (more skins coming in the future)
- 4 weather icon skins
- 5 fonts for the time
- Portrait or landscape mode
- 12 or 24 hour clock with date
- Current location (city, country) taken automatically from cell/wifi or GPS, or specified by the user
- Weather conditions for current location (condition and temperature, low and high temperatures and weather icon)
- Detailed weather forecast display including the following:
- Local time
- Sunrise and sunset time for current location
- Humidity and wind conditions
- Current condition, temperature and low and high temperatures
- Current condition icon
- Last weather update time
- 4 day weather forecast
- World weather: Chose to display weather information for any number of different locations worldwide. Just select your favorite locations and you will immediately have updated weather and time information.
Note: Weather is provided by Google
- [new] Added full support for Swedish, Greek, Czech, Russian, Hungarian and Turkish languages
- [new] Added Feels like indication in weather forecast page
- [new] Added different settings for high and low temperature colors
- [chg] Changes in location detection and weather handling
- [chg] Check for weather update when connection to the Internet is established
- [fix] Bug fixes
Tags: 3D Flip Clock & World Weather apk free download android apps apk-appack.com

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