Aoao Video Watermark Pro 2.6.0 Full Crack is a watermarking software that we can use to insert text, images, logos, and animation into the video. By using Aoao Video Watermark Pro 2.6.0 Full Crackv, anyone who watched the video, he'll know that you are the owner of the video, it would be very useful for keeping the rights patent and ownership of the video that you upload to the internet. In addition, this will ensure that no there are people who disseminate and take advantage of the videos you have, the use of Aoao Video Watermark Pro 2.6.0 Full Crack can also be used and proved successful for promoting your blog / website you have.
Aoao Video Watermark Pro 2.6.0 Full Crack screenshot:
Aoao Video Watermark Pro 2.6.0 Full Crack Features:
Insert text watermark to video
- Adding text to your video, rich settings like text opacity, rotate text, font options, etc.
- Insert coypright symbols C, R and TM to video.
- Support scroll text.
- Allow you add image watermark to your video.
- Over 200 image watermark samples.
- Support animated image watermark.
- Allow you create line segment, curve, rectangle and round shape to video, you can slao add a arrow to your shape.
- Common settings - color, width, opacity, rotate, etc.
- Adding watermark with timeline editing, accurately control watermark show time and hidden time for every second.
- Make rich video effect like brightness, contrast, mosaic, blur, sharpen, noise, old film, etc.
- Also as a video conversion software, support 12 video formats in include AVI, MP4. MPEG, WMV, MKV, MOV, FLV, SWF, 3GP, etc.
- Just once setting, you can watermarking all of your video.
- All of watermarks base on layer editing, you can create many different watermark to different layer, and you can set mix effect of every layer.
Download Aoao Video Watermark Pro 2.6.0 Full Crack - (15MB)
Password: koskomputer
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