Mobile Hidden Camera
Mobile Hidden Camera Latest version:3.4.201-9  Requirement:1.0 and up Size:973 KB
ကိုဓါတ္ပံဳရိုက္ေနတာေတြကို အမ်ားမသိေအာင္ရိုက္ေပးမယ့္
True spy camera and hidden camcorder in a single package.

Spy camera for SUPER SAFE stealth shooting and video recording, even right in front of other people! MHC is the only spy camera app that guarantees your safety while spy shooting with a host of stealthy and protection features.
* installed as "Simple Notepad" with an unobtrusive notepad icon
** Shooting & recording **

- the only spy camera that supports front camera shooting on Android 2.3+
- no preview, no flash, no shutter sound
- auto-continuous image shooting with adjustable frequency
- burst-mode super fast shooting, up to 5 to 10 images per second
- remove shutter sound even on firmware-locked devices
- configurable vibration feedback upon shooting
- high resolution video recording
- optionally auto-split video recording into multiple files, bypassing file size limits on any devices
- timer mode for auto-stop video recording

What's in this version:
- BIG security improvements, e.g. removed Internet permission so you can be sure MHC doesn't connect to the net
- Android 4.x Jelly Bean phones & tablets ready
- full support for Android 4.x devices without hardware buttons; supports gesture controls; supports hiding the system navigation bar
- auto-rotate images & videos
- separate camera quality settings for each camera
- use hardware volume buttons to start shooting
- burst-mode super fast shooting, up to 10/s
- hide all UI

Download From Market Link:
download button Mobile Hidden Camera 3.4.201-9 on Android Market

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